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Linux Commands

command Description
mkdir Create a new directory with given name
ls List the content in the directory
cd Change to directory
touch Create empty files
cat > fileName Create a new file & write content into file “& Ctrl+D to save
cat fileName Display content of a file
cat file1 file2 file 3 Copy 2 file and write it into a new file
pwd Current working directory
cp Copy a file into a new file. cp file3.txt file4.txt
mv Moves a file/directory
head The top ten lines of a file. sudo head vamsi.txt
tail Get last 10 lines of a file
tae Reverse order of contents of a file
more Similar to cat, we can display large content by using Enter
id Display id of user /group
vi Text editor
grep Search pattern
diff This command is used to display the differences in the files by comparing the files line by line.
ping Status of server
history Review all commands
hostname To know the host name of the server
hostname -i Ip address
ch mod Change the user/group permission to access files ch mod u =r file2.txt
nl Display the line numbers
wc No. of lines ,words ,characters
uniq Remove duplicates of file content
It will remove only continuous duplicates.
rmdir Remove the specified directory if the directory is empty
Rm Remove file/directory.
chown Assign directory/file to a specific user

User Creation in Linux:

To create user groups: sudo groupadd groupName

sudo useradd username

sudo passwd password

To get all users list cat /etc/passwd

To Delete a user: sudo userdel -r username

To delete group: sudo groupdel groupName

Mapping a user to a group: sudo usermod -a -G groupName username

File Permissions:

1.Read (r) 2.Write(w) 3.Execute (x)

3 Roles- Owner, Group, Others

ll -> command to know the permissions of file/folders in the root

ls -l -> to know the file /folder permissions in the current directory

drwx r-x user, group, others, d -> type of file