Linux Commands
command | Description |
mkdir | Create a new directory with given name |
ls | List the content in the directory |
cd | Change to directory |
touch | Create empty files |
cat > fileName | Create a new file & write content into file “& Ctrl+D to save |
cat fileName | Display content of a file |
cat file1 file2 file 3 | Copy 2 file and write it into a new file |
pwd | Current working directory |
cp | Copy a file into a new file. cp file3.txt file4.txt |
mv | Moves a file/directory |
head | The top ten lines of a file. sudo head vamsi.txt |
tail | Get last 10 lines of a file |
tae | Reverse order of contents of a file |
more | Similar to cat, we can display large content by using Enter |
id | Display id of user /group |
vi | Text editor |
grep | Search pattern |
diff | This command is used to display the differences in the files by comparing the files line by line. |
ping | Status of server |
history | Review all commands |
hostname | To know the host name of the server |
hostname -i | Ip address |
ch mod | Change the user/group permission to access files ch mod u =r file2.txt |
nl | Display the line numbers |
wc | No. of lines ,words ,characters |
uniq | Remove duplicates of file content |
It will remove only continuous duplicates. | |
rmdir | Remove the specified directory if the directory is empty |
Rm | Remove file/directory. |
chown | Assign directory/file to a specific user |
User Creation in Linux:
To create user groups: sudo groupadd groupName
sudo useradd username
sudo passwd password
To get all users list cat /etc/passwd
To Delete a user: sudo userdel -r username
To delete group: sudo groupdel groupName
Mapping a user to a group: sudo usermod -a -G groupName username
File Permissions:
1.Read (r) 2.Write(w) 3.Execute (x)
3 Roles- Owner, Group, Others
ll -> command to know the permissions of file/folders in the root
ls -l -> to know the file /folder permissions in the current directory
drwx r-x user, group, others, d -> type of file